The 阿巴拉契亚的边缘 Preserve System has over 9 miles of hiking trails for public use. Three of the trails take visitors through areas designated as National Natural Landmarks and all of the trails give visitors the opportunity to experience the unique and beautiful natural history of Adams County.

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琼·琼斯·波特曼的踪迹- 1.6英里

The Joan Jones Portman Trail winds its way up from the Ohio Brush Creek Valley to Flood’s Point, 一个孤零零的海角大草原,周围群山一览无余.

Hikers begin by walking through a mix of native grasses and densely growing eastern red cedar trees which gives way to early successional hardwoods such as tulip tree, 紫荆和黄樟. 这条小路继续上山, 徒步旅行者可能会遇到像流星一样的野花, 圆叶猪草和绿龙. 然后在一片荒芜的页岩中蜿蜒进出, the mix of cedars and small hardwoods create the perfect environment for fuzzy mosses and interesting lichens. 徒步旅行者穿过岩石, 以牧羊为生,贫瘠的, 可能会听到草原莺和其他鸣禽的叫声. The trail then levels out in an abrupt change in habitat as it has arrived at the first of two Dolostone rock layers. 高的混合, mature trees form a closed canopy and native spicebush shrubs and pawpaw trees thrive in the understory. The trail switchbacks through the forest and an outcrop of Peebles Dolomite cliffs come into view. 蕨类植物覆盖, 野生绣球花和耧斗菜, 徒步旅行者有机会近距离研究这块不寻常的岩石. 这条小径的尽头是这些悬崖的顶端,可以看到下面的山谷. 徒步旅行者然后沿着原路折回小径的起点. The Portman trail allows visitors to get a glimpse of the many different habitats and plants that are found throughout the 阿巴拉契亚的边缘 Preserve.


E. 露西·布劳恩山猫草原保护区- 1.4英里

不像俄亥俄州的其他地方,E. 露西布朗 Lynx Prairie Preserve trail is named for the late, preeminent plant ecologist Dr. E. 露西布朗. Dr. Braun not only studied this area extensively but was instrumental in its conservation, securing the first parcels of this remarkable habitat through the newly formed Ohio Chapter of The Nature Conservancy in 1959. With the transfer of the properties to the Cincinnati 自然历史博物馆 for management purposes, 阿巴拉契亚边缘保护区系统诞生了.

This trail system consists of three loops weaving in and out of 10 different dry limestone prairie openings. These unique habitats have received a global conservation status of G2 from NatureServe indicating that they are imperiled worldwide. Each opening is unique and filled with grasses and wildflowers which thrive in the dry, 浅, 石灰性土壤. 因为这里的植物种类繁多, 徒步旅行者穿越山猫草原的经历在任何季节都是令人愉快的, 但最好是在春天和夏中末体验. 开花草原物种包括流星, hoary puccoon and scarlet paintbrush in the spring followed by various coneflowers, 玫瑰红和几个品种的耀眼的星星在夏天. 还有秃鹰岩, Lynx Prairie has been designated a National Natural Landmark and is a must-see on the 阿巴拉契亚的边缘 Preserve.


查尔斯·E. 尤利特荒野保护区- 2.6英里

查理A号. Eulett Wilderness Trail is named after an Adams County teacher and naturalist who shared the importance of nature and conservation with his students and neighbors. 由于该地区独特而突出的生物组成, The Wilderness Preserve was designated as a National Natural Landmark in 1974.

在不断变化的森林背景中盘旋, 悬崖和溪流, 荒野小径在任何季节都能提供一些东西. 迷人的地质, 参天大树, spring wildflowers and migrating songbirds are just a selection of natural history delights hikers can encounter along the trail. 秋天和冬天是观赏高楼的最佳时间, 皮布尔斯白云石悬崖是珍稀动植物的家园. 植物亮点贯穿整个小径, 视季节而定, 包括北方白雪松, 卡罗来纳鼠李, 粉色和黄色的女士拖鞋, 美国科伦坡, 鲜红的杯子和坚硬的龙胆. The spring migration of warblers and other colorful songbirds can be seen and heard from all parts of the trail especially during the first part of May. Close to 200 species of birds have been observed utilizing the 阿巴拉契亚的边缘. During the latter part of April and into May then again in July and August, Shivener Prairie bursts into a colorful pallet of wildflowers which attracts a myriad of bees, 蝴蝶和其他有趣的花卉游客. 这岩石, rugged trail winds up and down hills giving hikers an up-close look at the diversity of natural history encompassing the 阿巴拉契亚的边缘 Preserve.


Christian和Emma Goetz, buzzarddroost Rock Preserve - 4.4英里

The Christian and Emma Goetz Buzzardroost Rock Trail is one of the 阿巴拉契亚的边缘 Preserve System’s most popular trails—for good reason too. 这条令人愉快的徒步旅行将带领游客穿越草原和森林, 越过小溪和泉水, across ridgetops and culminates in one of the absolute best views in the state of Ohio.

与山猫草原一起于1964年被指定为国家自然地标, Buzzardroost trail winds its way along the edge of two different ecoregions. 地质的多样性, plant life and animal life is at its maximum as the Appalachian Plateau region collides with the Interior Low Plateau. The former region sustains acidic soils and the plants that thrive in them, 而后者则支持全球罕见的干旱石灰岩草原, 白云岩露头和混合中生植物森林. 四季皆宜, 徒步旅行者可以找到各种各样的春夏野花, 蕨类植物, 地质特征和令人惊叹的景色. 位于俄亥俄州布拉什溪谷的高处, 从buzzarddroost Rock看到的壮丽景色是不容错过的. 尤其是在秋天的高峰色彩, the panorama stretches from the feeder stream in Leisure Valley down to Ohio Brush Creek and continues downstream towards the Ohio River and Kentucky.

Improvements to the hiking trail in 2014 and 2015 included the addition of a loop along the central section of the trail allowing hikers to experience the flora and fauna of a xeric limestone prairie. A visit to Adams County is not complete without a trek on the Buzzardroost Rock Trail and taking in the incredible view from the overlook.


海伦C. Cedar Falls的Black Trail - 3.0英里

三里, round-trip trail to Cedar Falls begins placidly among a grove of eastern red cedar trees and ends at a dramatic overlook perched on the edge of a cliff above the falls. 一路走来, 你将体验到多样的落叶森林, cross several rocky tributary streams and pass through the boulder field—a narrow area of Cedar Run gorge where massive blocks of Peebles Dolomite have fallen from nearby cliffs. 这次徒步旅行在某些地方很艰苦, 70英尺高的悬崖令人印象深刻,但不小心会很危险. 严禁直接进入瀑布. 为了你自己的安全,你必须一直沿着小路走.
